Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Aryaa Attempts To Be #Justlikemom

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, especially when your own children do it. Daughters usually emulate their mom and whenever Aryaa does that, I feel super special! 

My morning routine usually comprises of a couple of things before she wakes up but I always leave sorting and washing of clothes to be done after she up as she enjoys watching me do that. It's accompanied by claps and laughs as I throw clothes into the basket while she watches from her high chair. However, that she would try to imitate me so soon is something that I had never expected. One morning after she woke up, I was busy getting her morning milk ready and when I came into the bedroom, I saw that she had pulled out all the clothes from the laundry bag and was trying to put them into one of the buckets that I had kept there for sorting the clothes. She clapped every time the clothes landed into the bucket and when they didn't, she would pick up and try again. She didn't notice me watching her and after a while tried to even pick up the bucket full of clothes and walk towards the washing area. 



It was the cutest sight to watch! And now on a daily basis she wants to help me sort the clothes to put them to wash. 

We do often see children trying to imitate their mothers. I do a lot of things like my mom and that's only because I see her doing them perfectly! She always does it just right.

It really fills my heart when I see Aarya at this very young age picking up on my habits already! I always hope I am able to do enough things right for Aryaa to want to be like me!

Laundry for now seems to be a good start ;-)

For a child, doing a thing right is doing it just like mom. When it comes to laundry, Surf excel matic gives you a machine wash as good as mom’s hand wash. Join us as we celebrate moms and their perfection. 

  • Share your story through pictures, videos or text. Click here now - justlikemom.surfexcel.in, and the best entries stand a chance to win exciting prizes including a front load washing machine. 
  • Conditions apply. 
  • You can send in your entries via Surf excel India Facebook or Twitter page

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  1. Very nice!! article on Parenting tips.
    I really love reading your blogs.. especially, the mommy/baby ones.. pretty inspiring … I tip my hat to you ..
    I have also found one more website http://www.kinderdanceindia.comwhich has inspiring preschool activities for kids.

  2. Very nice!! article on Parenting tips.
    I really love reading your blogs.. especially, the mommy/baby ones.. pretty inspiring … I tip my hat to you ..
    I have also found one more website http://www.kinderdanceindia.com which has inspiring preschool activities for kids.


Thank you for your lovely comments!

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