"If you can dream it, you can do it." - Walt Disney
Millenials today bring what is most needed to this world - Positivity! They have grown up in a time of rapid change and have seen dreams turn to reality - from the telephone to the smartphone, internet to 4G, from domestic travel to the opening up of international air travel, from chequebooks to ATM cards and so much more. They have seen the September 11 attacks, to the financial bust to the Gulf War. They have seen gay marriage come into play and healthcare that can baffle anyone. All of these have made all these Millennials born between 1981 and 1997, far more open and accepting to what life throws at them and they have accepted it with Positivity to move forward to build a better world. These are the people who think, live and breathe as global citizens and have the most unique experiences to share. I am one such Millennial!