Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Last minute Valentine's Day ideas

Just in case it dawned upon you this morning that Valentine's Day is today and you haven't made plans or not bought anything for your sweetheart, don't sweat, there is still a lot that you can whip up in the day before it ends to make it magical :)

Movie Night

Take your sweetheart for a movie. Choose a cute romantic one. Incase you don't get tickets or there isn't a romantic movie running in the theatres, you can always get the DVD of your sweetheart's favourite movie and the two of you can cosy up and watch it at home. Don't forget the coke and the popcorn!

Surprise Home Cooked Dinner

Jump at the chance to cook dinner for your sweetie and surprise them. The ingredient of love added to the recipes is the perfect way to convey 'I Love You'. Add some bubbly to the celebration and set the table with candles. Perfect!

Photo Collage
Those of us who carry our photos on our phones or keep our digital cameras always with us, the photo collage is a lovely last minute idea. With 30 minutes on your hand, you can rush to your closest photo printing studio and get a lovely collage printed with the lovely memories of you two. Your love will be floored.

Mix a CD
Burn a CD with the most romantic songs . Create your own special personalized CD cover which is really very simple to make here. Dim the lights and slow dance to these songs with your darling. It'll surely be a night you will never forget :)

Love Coupons
Free and fun last minute gift for your valentine! All you need is a printer, a pair of scissors and some pretty ribbon to tie them together. Personalise them and gift how many ever you want. Try these love coupons. Give options to redeem them for a massage, bubble bath, dinner, picnic or a night out together.I can guarantee your sweetheart will be thrilled :)

Other than this you can always do the regular - Flowers, chocolate and a Valentine's card! But these few personal yet last minute ideas will surely make your Valentine's Day special!

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  1. happy valentine's day!!
    cute stuff :)

  2. good ideas. I specially like the Love Coupons :P
    Happy V-day

  3. These ideas are so cute! Good to see some fellow desi fashion bloggers here! Do check out my blog if you have time and feel free to follow back


  4. lovely post


  5. I love those ideas, especially the home-cooked meal:) So romantic! Muah, sweetie.

  6. hey love. adore your blog. totally following. I can't wait to read more. If you get a sec, I'd love if you'd check out mine. It's all about the adventures of a small town girl taking on the LA fashion scene. xo


  7. movies are great...
    but kinda not ideal!
    I wud hate if my bf takes me to a movie!

    btw you have a cute blog!


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